Greenland Villages


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Nanortalik, Greenland Field of Dreams

Greenland villages are small by any standard.  The largest town in Greenland, the largest island on earth, has less than 20,000 inhabitants.  Nanortalik has about 1,100 people making it the eleventh largest town on the island.  So I was wondering what is the eleventh largest city in the US?  If you go strictly by incorporated city limits, it is Austin, Texas.  If you include the primary statistical area it is the Miami, Fort Lauderdale area with over six million residents.

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Final Prep, Cruise to Barcelona

Spain 2016 We are now in the final stages of preparation for our 2016 cruise to Barcelona, Spain.  We will explore Spain and Portugal for about 90 days then we will depart from Barcelona for a flight to possibly Romania or Bulgaria.  We will travel in a clockwise fashion from Barcelona around Spain and Portugal.  The curved line on the map is a flight and the straight lines are  trains and bold lines are planned car rentals. Continue reading