Yellowstone in the Winter

Yellowstone Winter Firehole

This past winter I spent five full days exploring Yellowstone National Park by snow coach.  Passenger cars are not allowed at that time. The only modes of transportation inside the park are snowmobiles or snow coaches.  I signed up with Gerlach Nature Photography Workshops led by Barbara Eddy and John Gerlach.  It was a wonderful time with two very knowledgeable leaders.  We were exploring the park daily from shortly after sunrise to past sunset.
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Alaska Revisited


Eagle Portrait on July 4th, 2018.

How appropriate to photograph an American bald eagle on the Fourth of July in Alaska.  In Hoonah, Alaska I was able to slowly approach this eagle which had apparently just eaten some fish.  Yep, we made a return visit to Alaska to visit Denali National Park and cruise the beautiful coastline for a second time in two months.

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White Sands National Monument

Yucca and White Sands Thunderhead


Periodic trips to Alamogordo, New Mexico are required so we can visit our s-t-u-f-f  tucked away in a dusty storage shed.  Each time we swing open the door, we are a bit surprised at the items we have saved while unable to find some other needed treasures.  When visiting Alamogordo, we get our fill of Mexican food at Margo’s Restaurant and visit White Sands National Monument.
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Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

coyote peeking

A coyote keeps an eye on my approach in Theodore Roosevelt NP

Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota requires the visitor to search for beauty within the 36 mile vehicle loop, unlike some of the more spectacular national parks such as Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon or Zion.  On any random visit, a lucky visitor might possibly be blessed with stormy rain clouds, clearing storms or special light. More typically, on a hot clear blue sky day, you must really search for the attractiveness of the park.
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Yellowstone National Park

Buffalo Trio

Our previous attempt to visit Yellowstone National Park was thwarted by the sixteen-day government shutdown in the fall of 2013.  It was to be a fall color tour with reservations at the beautiful Yellowstone Lodge and four other national parks.  For this 2015 trip we felt happy to snag a couple of open nights at Grant Village due to a cancellation.  Continue reading