Bosque del Apache is over 55,000 acres of managed lands for the benefit of migratory birds. Through a network of dams and canals, fields are flooded providing a rest stop and food for tens of thousands of snow geese and sandhill cranes.
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Tag Archives: New Mexico
White Sands National Monument

Yucca and White Sands Thunderhead
Periodic trips to Alamogordo, New Mexico are required so we can visit our s-t-u-f-f tucked away in a dusty storage shed. Each time we swing open the door, we are a bit surprised at the items we have saved while unable to find some other needed treasures. When visiting Alamogordo, we get our fill of Mexican food at Margo’s Restaurant and visit White Sands National Monument.
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Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
The Albuquerque International Balloon Festival attracts nearly one million visitors during the nine days of this annual event. My family would attend several days a year whenever possible, and we were especially interested in the special shape balloons. I have attended at least a dozen days of the early morning balloon lift-off events.
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Wind Turbine Blade Speed
OK all of you inquiring minds and sons and daughters of physicists and engineers…. A mind wonders while driving down the road and I started to think about the wind turbines we have seen in China and across the USA. In Palm Springs one can see an evolution in the designs as there are at least three different types of blades on the windy hillsides.
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New Mexico Red or Green Chile
It is said the major question in New Mexico is “… red or green?” This is in reference to your chile preference. There are plenty of articles discussing this question. To avoid this critical decision, one can order their chile ‘Christmas’ which is half and half. There are two New Mexican dishes one can order and avoid the question, green chile stew (never red) and posole which is always made with red in the restaurants. Please note I am aware these are not fine art photographs and may have been taken after a couple beers, but I think you get the idea. There is, in my opinion, a large difference between southern New Mexico and northern New Mexico food. We think it is easier to find good New Mexican food in northern New Mexico like Santa Fe and Taos area. The important concept to grasp is to eat where and what the locals eat. Stay away from the chains when traveling and experiment with the food with an open mind.
Carrozza New Mexico
Ever have one of those days where you did not know if you should EAT or DRINK, then realized you could do both??

Eat or Drink, Which shall I do????
This is a very nice lady I met in a small town in southern New Mexico, Carrozza. If I get to visit just half the places she has, my retirement will be a success. She had such a great positive outlook on the world while doing it, something else I’ll work on….
Best of Show in Nogal, New Mexico

Panorama Point Rainbow
I am happy to say this photo just won Best of Show at the Dry Gulch Gallery photo contest in Nogal, NM. I won $1,000 for this first place prize. Yipeee! This photo was not totally just luck. The off and on rains of the day made this a high probability spot. I also hiked up a bit specifically to include the curvy dirt road in the photo.
Truth or Consequences . . . . New Mexico

Welcome to T or C

??? Did not go in…
Although born and raised in New Mexico, I do not recall ever having traveled to Truth or Consequences, until today. The town is as funky as the name. The first store we wandered into was an East Indian meditation shop where customers were discussing shadowing techniques used in their tattoos. The town is full of laid back people chatting it up with surprised tourists.
The town was originally called Hot Springs but re-named itself after the popular radio and TV show in some publicity contest in the 50’s. This town is near Elephant Butte, which is a large recreational lake that is in the process of drying up like the rest of the state. Instead of rushing north on I-25 as most do, we did our best to act like wondering retirees and took all of the side roads.
Las Cruces, New Mexico

Las Cruces Water Tower
Las Cruces, New Mexico has had drenching monsoons like much of the rest of the state, resulting in carpets of beautiful yellow wild flowers. However, I was unable to find good back ground, light and clouds to go along with these, so this is the best of what I got. Thanks to Peg for putting up her newly homeless cousin for two nights.
Harold Hall, Grand Prize Winner New Mexico Magazine
I am very happy to announce that I won the 2013 New Mexico Magazine annual Photography Contest. This is something I have worked to win for the past several years. Here is a link to the article which appeared in the February issue. I sent the magazine two photos of me for this layout, one with a hat and one without. I guess they thought the hat was more western and a better fit.