The Rock of Gibraltar, UK

I never thought as a kid watching the Prudential Insurance ads on television that I would one day climb to the very top of the Rock of Gibraltar.  Further, who would have thought that monkeys were at the top waiting to steal food from tourists?  Actually we were told they are Barbary apes, so I guess I’ll soon need to go look up the difference.  This was a strenuous hike up a steep trail with many steps, called the Mediterranean Steps.  One member of our party had to turn back, so the rest of our group went on without our guide.  The mountains in the distance across the Straits of Gibraltar are part of north Africa!

We were told there is no unemployment in Gibraltar, UK.   In fact, there is a labor shortage so the businesses there must hire thousands of people from Spain who commute over the narrow land bridge connecting Spain to Gibraltar.  This road actually crosses the airport runways on Gibraltar.  However, Spain still feels like Gibraltar should be theirs, so they refuse to hire anybody from Gibraltar….

3 thoughts on “The Rock of Gibraltar, UK

  1. It is common knowledge that even though the locals refer to these animals as Barbary apes,they are still monkeys (Macaca sylvanus). At present, some 300 animals in five troops occupy the area of the Upper Rock area of the Gibraltar Nature Reserve. Legend has it that as long as Barbary apes roam the rock of Gibraltar, the territory will remain under British rule.

    • WoW. How long is that commute? People in Albuquerque stress out over my commute from Edgewood. It’s 30 minutes with clear roads and beautiful views. I would take that over the crowded traffic routes with endless red lights of Orlando any day.

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