New Mexico Magazine
I was very proud when I learned I had won the 12th annual New Mexico Magazine Photography contest. As the article states, this was a goal of mine for several years.
Here is the article from the February 2013 New Mexico Magazine for the 2012 contest I won.
By studying the past winners, I could see that they were not after the typical or famous iconic images from the state. They seemed to like photos that were beautiful, interesting and would not necessarily be associated with New Mexico. In the February 2013 New Mexico Magazine they had room for only five of the submitted images. Unlike past years, the judges did not meet in a room and look at each portfolio at a time. Instead, this year the judges looked at the images separately, rated them and then points by photographer were summed up. Here are all ten images submitted, the winning portfolio.

Sandia Peaks at Sunset, New Mexico


Reflected Light


Whitesands Cottonwood

Aspen Gold

Blue Fiesta

Gold in the Gourge

El Malpais Pool

Chamisa Breeze
I enjoyed seeing your many pictures of New Mexico.