Gaudi Town, La Sagrada Familia

La Grada Familia Center Ceiling

Sagrada Familia Center Ceiling

The Segrada Familia is a Roman Catholic Basilica designed by Antoni Gaudy.  It is one of four major architectural designs in Barcelona, Spain by the famous artist-architect and has been under construction since 1882.

The construction was interrupted for a time during the Spanish Civil War and progresses now depending upon the flow of private donations.  There are high hopes of completing this massive construction project by 2026, 100 years after Gaudi’s death.  Gaudi was not worried about the anticipated long construction time, saying his customer was not in a hurry.

The photo below is typical of any tourist snapshot, a poorly defined gray mass of rock surrounded by ugly construction cranes and nets.

Sagrada La Familia Snapshot

Sagrada Familia Snapshot

By zooming in, and taking  photos of the same area, the amount of detail in the building facade becomes more apparent.

Sagrada La Familia Facade

Sagrada Familia Facade

Zoomed in for a closer look at the entrance.  Notice the bassoon player in the upper left.

Sagrada La Familia Entry

Sagrada Familia Entry

Sagrada La Familia Basson Player

Sagrada Familia Bassoon Player

Here are the three wise men.

La Sagrada Familia Wise Men

Sagrada Familia Wise Men

Then a photo zoomed in on just one of them.

Wise Man Close Up

Wise Man Close Up

Inside of the Segrada Familia, all eyes are looking upward while serene music plays throughout the church.  A panorama photo of the ceiling and one end of the church with stained glass shows the complexity of the support columns and ceiling.

La Sagrada Familia Ceiling Panorama

Sagrada Familia Ceiling Panorama

Each wing of the church has its own complex and beautiful structural designs.

Sagrada Familia Perimeter Ceiling

Sagrada Familia Perimeter Ceiling

Oddly enough, the  Black Knight from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail seems to be guarding an area in the back of the church…. (Actually, St. George, Patron Saint of Catalonia)

Black Knight

Black Knight

Sagrada Família is one of four astounding Gaudi designed structures in Barcelona.  All are very worthy on their own, but for one city to have four such wonders, Casa Milà, Casa Batlló, Segrada Família and Park Guëll, is why we have deemed Barcelona to be Gaudi Town.

4 thoughts on “Gaudi Town, La Sagrada Familia

    • Sagrida Familia is certainly unique among Europe’s MANY cathedrals. But because there ARE so very many, I actually enjoyed the Gaudi built residences more, Casa Batllo and Casa Mila. They are no Hurst Castle, but so unique, I cannot hardly imagine families living in them.

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